Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Gradumicated!!!

Me and Mike, my radio co-host for the last 2 years!

So a crazy thing happened, I graduated college! Can I get a woot woot?! It was so exciting and emotional and crazy and all sorts of other things. Pretty much any major emotion came to me at some point throughout the day! I am the type of person who makes a big deal about special occasions. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. etc... So I was really excited when my entire family and my BFF came to support me at my graduation.
I have been working my behind off in the grown up school since I graduated high school, and it is so surreal to know that I am done! Finally!! 
The morning started off with no hot water, which made for a miserable shower!!!! Then on to Commencement where I almost passed out! (That was a good time. Note to self, eat a hearty meal before the next big occasion.) and we did the whole move the tassel from one side to the other thing. Pretty much almost started crying at that point. 
Then later in the day was Convocation. Where I officially became a graduate of the College of Arts and Humanities. I have my degree in Communication - Electronic Media with a minor in Criminal Justice. Yep, I'm legit! Later that night my dad and marina and I went to eat at Ruth's Chris. Omg best steak ever. Seriously like ever!!! Amazing!! 
It was so much fun to be able to celebrate with my family and friends! I am so grateful for all of their love and support. It would not have been possible without them! Here are some pics from the big day!
Me and my little sis!

Me and the sibs!

My mom's side of the fam!

Me, dad, Marina, and Grandma J in the background.
We got better pics with them, they just weren't on my camera! :)

RachAel, me, and Anastasia. Aka radio peeps.

Meygood friend Kara, whom I met in the most boring class ever!

My BFF Rachel Smith was a trooper and sat
through the entire drawn out process! And I totally love her for it!

And last but certainly not least,
me and my beautiful mommy! Love her!


April said...

Yeah Rach! Way to go! You are awesome sauce! It's a good thing you blogged about it too. You'll want to remember it forever. Very commendable! :)

Rich'n'Rach said...

i'm very proud. but i do miss you being on campus so you can come visit me at work everyday.