Sunday, October 11, 2009


So I may have been slacking a little on posting this blog. I mean its almost been 2 months since we've gone, but here you go! Here is the Alaskan cruise blog.

The whole crew went! Me, Zach, Preston, Dad, Marina, Nick, and Christian. It was fun! We had lots of good food, including the CHOCOLATE BUFFET! We hit some comedy acts, and a juggler, and went on some awesome excursions! We went to Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau, and Prince Rupert BC! It was fun!

Now, keep in mind, there were 2 other cameras also taking pictures, so I don't have all of them, but here are A LOT of pictures.

We had a blast, even though it was sooo cold! We went to the Lumberjack Olympics, a glacier helicopter ride followed by dog sledding, we went to see icebergs, and even went on the longest train ride ever! But still fun!

At Pike's Market in Seattle.

Marina and the boys.

I was really excited!

Me and Zach were afraid for our lives!!

Bored waiting for the comedian!



Preston looking cool in his shades!

It was windy!

Zach is on a boat!

Look I got a pet towel! I was pretty excited!

Lumberjack Olympics!

Preston and Dad waiting to get on the helicopter

On the helicopter! I didn't get sick like last time! Yay!

Pretty glaciers!

Dogs for dog sledding.

Marina and Dad


Me and my iceberg friends

They were so blue!

They used to use this to clear snow off train tracks!

Zach and Preston are Alaskan explorers!

I almost got ran over by a train...
well not really... but I was scared!


I was feeding my new pet towel some chocolate!

Prince Rupert! Yep, I am a crazy driver!

Yep, we're in Canada!

Preston looks excited to be in Canada!

They were scared of the tsunami!

Hello Canada! Nice to meet you!

1 comment:

April said...

Ok, so I am super jealous of you now. I LOVE Alaska. It looks so pretty....and a chocolate buffet, can someone say BEST. TRIP. EVER.