Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Love You All!

As I sit here once again putting off a paper, I can't help but reminisce about the year that has passed. I was contemplating if I should write this or not, considering the fact that January is over, but then I realized it's my blog and I'll write what I want to.

FYI this blog is going to be a long one! So bare with me. Take periodic breaks if needed. I don't want you to get a migraine from staring at the computer screen too long!

A lot of different things have happened to me this last year! I've moved home from Tennessee, been to Russia, graduated with one college degree (now just 1, 2, or 3 to go!), made some AMAZING friends! Lost some amazing ones as well. Completed my first song, and I've become closer to me family and my Father in Heaven.

Another thing that's happened, is I like to think I've "grown up". Just become more mature and level headed I guess. I think it all started when I moved home. It was then that I started putting things in perspective and began to know where my priorities are. I may not know what I want from life, but I know what I don't want to do and the person I do not want to become!

I've been thinking how truly grateful I am for the people in my life. Whether it be family or friends, or random people I've met. You've all had an influence in my life! :) I've had the opportunity lately to spend some time with my close friends, without any distractions! AKA, no spouses or kids! :) Not that I don't love spending time with them both, but it just makes things a lot easier. (Chugg, not that I don't LOVE Abs and Samo, but our heart to heart chats just seem to flow better without screaming/fighting kids in the background! lol! j/k) Spending time with them and my family makes me realize how blessed I am to have these people. They are such great examples to me in so many ways and are such strong pillars if light. I'd be lost in darkness without them.

Now, as you are reading this, I'm assuming only about 2 of you have lasted this long, you're probably wondering where this is coming from? But then there are some of you who are used to my mushy letters by now! :) Well, I like to think that I am a very deep and insightful person. Even though the person you are used to is a dork and a joker! But when I think of 2008, the memories and the people that I spent them with are the things that stick out in my mind. Russia and TN were both great learning experiences that I wouldn't change for anything, but I am glad to be home. It has taught me to appreciate the things that I have. And even though I have new friends who are wonderful and fun, it doesn't mean that i love my old friends any less, or that I don't miss them everyday. They have helped shape who I am today!

Basically, what I think I am trying to say is... things are good... and I am happy! I have reached a place of contentment in my life. Do I still want things I can't have? Of course! But I am still satisfied at the place I've come to. And yes it has a lot to do with the people that I surround myself with (you know who you are and I love you!), but also with the things I've done and seen. Everything I've been through in life has happened for a reason. It has helped mold me into this nice little Rachel package that you know and love!! :)

I hope that in the year to come I can experience many new things that I can look back on and smile at! Experiences that can help me grow and understand why things happen the way they do. I may not be the best at articulating words in such a way that sounds poetic, or in most cases they don't make any sense, but if you get nothing else out of this, I hope that you can take this with you.

I hope that in the future you get everything that you want. I hope that, if just for a brief moment, you can reach a point of contentment. I hope and pray for your safety and happiness and I hope that you can also be grateful for the things in life because this life is only a small portion of what is to come! So enjoy every minute of it! I love you all!

1 comment:

April said...

I made it through the whole thing! And I have to say it was well worth my time. What a thoughtful entry! I love ya Rach. You're one heck of a gal. :)