Thursday, September 11, 2008

Homework... I think not!

Ok, so I am sitting here trying to do my homework, and I realize I can't focus. Or better yet, I don't want to do my homework, so I won't focus! How bad is it that it is the end of the 3rd week of school and I am already procrastinating? I really need to pull myself together. I am never going to graduate if I keep going at this rate! But, I did have an awesome pedicure today, by the wonderful Christi. And Jessica and I got our feet burned by the paraffin it was awesome. Although I was hoping to get a massage, but we won't get into that.

So that brings me back to the fact that I don't want to do work. My classes are awesome and I really enjoy them, but the whole learning and having to do homework thing... yeah I'm not too big on that one. I asked my friend Shannon why I go to school... and she says its to get a better job that pays more then the one I have now and it all makes sense to me!

Ok, I guess I better do my homework! Even though I am not happy about it! But I do love Weber State! They better win the Homecoming game on Sat. Y'all should go! :) Go big Weeb!


Nicole said...

So do you get to try all the things at the spa? DO you know what is the best? I am so jealous, but not about the homework part. :)

Jenn said...

Totally agree with you and the homework, I definitely wasn't a big fan of that stuff! So jealous you got a pedi, I want one so bad!