Saturday, April 18, 2009


Back in 2005, which seems like FOREVER ago, I had the chance to go to New York with my Pops to see a couple of Broadway shows. I insisted that we go see a play called Wicked. You may have heard of it... after watching the amazing performance in NYC, it became one of my favorite plays!

Well, when I heard it was coming to SLC I got super excited. And when I found out my Dadda got us tickets, I got REALLY excited! I have been looking forward to it for a really long time!

Tonight was the big night! My Dad, Marina, her son and his girlfriend, Zach, and I all went out to eat at P.F. Changs and went to the see it. It was awesome! I got chills during the first act finale, much like I did the first time I saw it! It was so great, not to mention hilarious! LOVED IT!!!
Here are some of the awesome pics from the awesome-tastic night that we had!

Zach was really excited!

Yummy food!

This is how I eat...

I was having some major problems with the chop sticks!

Me and the poppa!

Me and Marina... to make up for the failed
picture attempt at Celine!



1 comment:

April said...

I haven't ever seen it, but I know a lot of people that would have killed to be in your shoes! I'm glad you had fun!