Friday, April 3, 2009

It's about that time again... yep... stress!

So I know I blogged a little bit ago about how happy and content I was, but now that has all gone to crap! I am so super stressed! Seriously!!! My poor friends have to listen to me complain constantly, they probably are a little annoyed by the fact that I can't get my act together.

These last couple of days I have felt really productive, but I am full of anxiety!!! My nerves are getting to me so bad and I pretty much am having a mental breakdown! It's my own fault, and I know that, but bah!!! It is so frustrating!

I was talking to my friend last week, and I was of course, stressing about something. I told her I stress myself out too much and I get all worked up for no reason! And she was like, yep, you do! Ha ha! Well, at least I am not going crazy! I know that I have a problem and all I have to do is fix it!

I dunno, school is winding down and I feel like I haven't had "me" time. I feel like work and school is taking over my life. Ok, I have had SOME "me" time, but still super stressed! Obviously! And now because I am having major anxiety I am in a funk and I don't know what to do, and pretty much it just sucks!

So, if you talk to me and I am not my normal peppy self. If I seem a little down and snappy, it is not you, I promise! It's me and my stupid stress! So I apologize in advance! I just need to lock myself in my room with my ipod on shuffle and listen to some really good tunes. That usually de-stresses me. And after tomorrow, I SHOULD be a little better. But as for now, yep, I'm pretty much freaking out!



Jenn said...

I'm sorry your life is a bit stressful!! At least you only have about a month left of school-- the end is near! If you haven't had much "me" time, its my last week at work, but I would love to give ya a pedi, I work nights this week, so maybe you could come in and it would help you de-stress.

Jenn said...

Thanks so much for the little goodbye note you left for me at work! You're so sweet!